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Church Choir


We welcome anyone involved in the practice or enjoyment of sacred music to become members of PRISM.  


There are three tiers of PRISM membership you can apply for - Member, Associate & Fellow.  Honorary Fellow is granted by the Board for outstanding contributions.


Note: there is currently no membership fee but this will be reconsidered in 2025. 

Becoming a member of PRISM

You can read more detailed information on membership levels,
prerequisites, responsibilities, etc here.


Anyone who registers with us to join PRISM, whether from the LGBTQIA+ community or as an ally, is entitled to call themselves a Member of PRISM (MPRISM) once their application has been approved by the Board of Directors


Members applying to be Fellows shall be musicians, academics, music or divinity teachers, or students of music or religious studies, who are willing to promote the object of PRISM, and who share its ethos. Anyone registering to join PRISM is entitled to apply at the level of Fellow of PRISM (FPRISM), so long as they meet the pre-requisite criteria. There is no requirement to first be a Member or an Associate before applying for Fellow. All applications must first be approved by the Board of Directors before an applicant becomes a Fellow.


Associates are enthusiasts and/or practitioners of music at places of worship, communities of faith, or religious institutions, who are willing to promote the objectives of PRISM, and who share its ethos.  You may apply to be an Associate of PRISM (APRISM), if you meet the pre-requisite criteria. There is no requirement to first be a Member before applying for Associate. All applications must first be approved by the Board of Directors before an applicant becomes an Associate.

Honorary Fellow

This highest level of recognition is reserved for those persons deemed to have made a significant personal contribution to PRISM and its aims. The awarding of an Honorary Fellow of PRISM (HonFPRISM) is by way of recommendation to and upon the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Membership fees


While PRISM is a Not-for-Profit organisation, there are associated running costs. Following a decision by the Board of Directors back in 2021, a three-year hiatus on membership fees was instituted. This was in acknowledgement of the growing unfavourable economic climate and global disruption in the wake of Covid-19. The Board is due to revisit this decision in 2025; any decision to re-institute a membership fee will be communicated to members through our Facebook social media platforms.  Meanwhile donations are very welcome to assist with our projects and running costs.

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